Woman has internet gagging with gross meals she cooks husband

Viral gross foodTikTok: @imaybediabetic

A woman shared some of the unusual meals she cooks her husband, leaving the whole internet disgusted. 

The video on TikTok which has since gone viral, accumulating over 1 million views, is from a woman named Emily, showcasing some of the meals she cooks for her husband. In the series of clips within the video, she displays some… unusual food combinations. 

She begins by introducing the meals she loved to make for “Her Man.” The dishes appear to get progressively stranger as the video goes on, starting with a fish sandwich with mushrooms.

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In the next clip, we see a regular hot dog in a bun, but paired with what seems to be boxed mac and cheese. She then shows another meal consisting of pizza, potatoes, and Cheetos, paired with an IPA. 

Another displays some kind of fried, breaded item with cranberry balls, and another shows Dino Nugget bolognese pasta with parmesan cheese. 

In other clips, we see a waffle sandwich with wet beans inside, and a ‘curry’, which consists of boiled chicken, along with applesauce and some cottage cheese. The food dishes get progressively weirder and weirder, culminating with Egusi soup, which seems to have a fish head packed inside. 

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TikTok grossed out by woman’s meals

The woman’s unusual dishes saw the internet collectively gagging over the meals she prepared for her husband. One of the top comments reads, “We need to rescue James,” about her partner who presumably eats these meals. Another stated, “I would love to meet James.”

gross food woman cooks husbandTikTok: @imaybediabetic

One said, “I am traumatized, the Egusi soup took me out.” Another concurred, “I don’t even want the green card anymore, just take me out, bro.”

Another claimed that after watching the video, their “Stomach was bubbling,” while another said a prayer in the comments section. 

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Interestingly, in one of the clips displaying an open face, sloppy ramen tortilla, Emily claims that she had some help. This has led users to believe that James is complicit in the situation. 

One said, “James is an accomplice, did y’all see what he helped make.”

It’s unknown whether or not Emily is pranking the internet with her unusual combinations, as they almost seem too bizarre to be true.