Woman’s dream trip turns into nightmare as her cat is stuck with China airlines for 38 hours

TikToker blames china airlinesTikTok: Nina Galy

A TikToker has revealed that her dream trip to Bali was ruined by China Airlines as her cat got stuck for 38 hours without food or comfort.

A user named Nina Galy planned a trip along with her pet, which cost her thousands of dollars. Her journey was a flight to Bali with a layover in Taipei.

The TikToker thought she had taken care of everything for this trip, but was met with disappointment. Nina, along with her pet, were stranded at the layover airport in Taipei leading her to post a series of TikToks that went viral.

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She spoke to Insider and shared her plan to sue China Airlines for the way they dealt with the problem.

TikToker’s dream trip leaves her stranded

She explained that the airline staff in Taiwan told her that her cat should not have been accepted at LAX, leading the pet to be prohibited to enter Indonesia. The only solution to her problem was to pay an extra $1,800 to go back home.

Nina shared the events with her 400,000 followers on TikTok and even had to plead to see her cat which had been locked in a cage for 15 hours at this stage. She then had to go back to the US instead of looking for a connecting flight.

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However, the TikToker was concerned about her pet because she hadn’t eaten. “Does anybody care that she’s an animal that hasn’t eaten?” she asked.

Nina revealed that she had her vet sign a travel certificate for which she had to pay almost $1,500. “We then sent the lab results to the USDA for a travel certificate, which cost me an additional $150 for two prepaid overnight labels.”

TikToker complains about management

Galy explained that she had to get her brother to call a cat carrier at the airport where she had to pay additional fees yet again. “The confusion of the check-in staff was baffling, but they did put a baggage tag on her that said final destination: Bali,” she said.

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“So I figured I had a few blips in my plan, but 21 hours later, we would both be soaking up the Bali sun in our new home.”

After the TikToker reached Taiwan, she was asked to meet the manager when she realized something was not right. After meeting the manager, who she claims had no sense of urgency about the issue, she was told to go back to the US.

“He told me I was not allowed to switch airlines, and that I was not allowed to stay in the airport another 24 hours, forcing me to buy another return ticket with China Airlines,” Galy said.

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The TikToker claimed that the manager had a “general lack of empathy” and said he could not deal with it several times.

TikToker’s cat was stuck for hours

“My cat had to remain in the basement for an additional 13 hours by herself until our 12.5-hour flight back was ready to board,” Nina explained. “They said they covered her cage with a blanket, so she’s trapped in the dark, for what would be 25 hours, before boarding the return flight.”

In the live video, the TikToker said, “I have traumatized my cat, I have sedated her, I have starved her, she has been in a cage for almost 15 hours now with no food and nowhere to relieve herself.”

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They were only reunited the next day in the US and she updated her followers about this and claimed she did not receive any food. She explained she knew “because her cage was zip-tied shut”.

The TikToker revealed she will take legal action against the airline and is seeking an international lawyer. She and her cat are in Bali now, living the dream trip that she planned.