Woman sparks outrage after spreading brother’s ashes in club pool

Woman scattering her brother's ashes into poolTIKTOK

A woman has been slammed online, after filming herself sprinkling her brother’s ashes into a packed Ibiza club pool.

In the video, the unnamed woman is seen smiling while scattering a dusty grey powder into the waters at a popular party venue in Ibiza, Spain.

As she pours the grey substance in the swimming pool, she dances along to the music in the background and is surrounded by unsuspecting partygoers.

The woman then laughs at the camera after popping the lid back on the small tube containing her brother’s ashes. “Just me sprinkling my brother about Ushuaia,” she wrote in the caption of her post.

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The clip, which was filmed at the Ushuaia Ibiza Beach Hotel, went viral after it was originally posted on TikTok and was later shared onto Twitter where it gained 6.3 million views.

Many viewers were left disgusted by the woman’s actions, while others made jokes about the Ibiza water saying it was dirty anyway.

“Just seen a bird sprinkling her brother’s ashes in the Ushuaia pool. That’s enough social media for today,” one person wrote. “No way she just sprinkled her dead bro over the pool like some season omg,” another said.

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“If my mates spread my ashes in Ushuaia I’d haunt them for life,” a third quipped. “Human ash is probably the last thing to worry about in a pool in Ibiza,” someone else joked.

The person who uploaded the video to Twitter claimed the venue later got in touch with them and requested that they “immediately” take it down from social media.

According to the user, the venue got in touch to say: “This needs to be removed immediately please as I’m sure you can understand, this can easily be taken out of context.”

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