WingsOfRedemption stripped of Twitch partnership for violating contract

wingsofredemption loses Twitch partnershipTwitch: wingsofredemption

Twitch streamer WingsofRedemption has lost his partnership on the platform — which he first earned back in 2014 — for a contract violation that has left him seriously confused.

Wings — real name Jordie Jordan — has always managed to cause a stir online, dating right back to his beginnings as a Call of Duty YouTuber.

In November 2020, he was banned from Twitch for hate speech, while he also came under fire that same year for demanding donations from viewers, then later doubling down and demanding more.

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He’s often managed to make headlines for the wrong reasons and, after several years of being active on the platform, Twitch has stripped Wings of his partnership, but he doesn’t understand why.

Wingsofredemption on TwitchTwitch: WingsOfRedemption
WingsOfRedemption has been suspended.

Though he’s faced several suspensions over the years, having started his account way back in 2010, this punishment looks like it could have a more lasting effect.

Late on July 26, Jordan posted the following: “Twitch Canceled my partnership for Exhibit D of content guidelines. I have no clue what that means and they give you no real way to contacting them. I’ve searched for the last hour and haven’t found a valid email.”

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This appears to relate to Wings’ specific contract with Twitch, as opposed to the general community guidelines.

As it relates to Wings’ contract, it’s impossible for us to know what exactly the violation was without seeing said agreement.

He went on to post what the email said, with everything he knows of the case. It said: “Due to violations of the Exhibit D — Content Guidelines of the Content License and Base Network Agreement regarding your Twitch account and entered into by and between you and Twitch as of January 23, 2014, Twitch hereby terminates the agreement effective immediately.”

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The message also adds that the termination is “non-curable,” meaning this really could be the end of the road for Wings on Twitch as a partner.

At the time of writing, there is no more clarity on what exactly he did wrong to earn the partnership termination, but he’ll no doubt be looking for a way to fix it.