Andrew Tate charges explained: When is the trial and what is he accused of?

Andrew Tate being walked into police building by guard in black jacketYouTube: On Demand News

Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan have again been charged with multiple crimes in the UK and Romania, including sexual assault, rape and human trafficking.

The trial process is expected to take a significant amount of time, and the brothers must remain in Romania after they were released from jail in 2023. After an additional arrest in March 2024, The brothers are also set to face court in the UK after their trial in Romania.

The additional arrest came after police feared that the Tates may be able to use their resources to leave the country as a reason for keeping them in custody. They have since been released and returned to their home in Romania.

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Andrew Tate permitted to leave Romania

On July 5, 2024, Andrew and Tristan Tate won a court battle to remove the restriction from leaving Romania.

The pair are now free to leave the country, but can only travel within the European Union, their lawyer confirmed.

“We embrace and applaud the decision of the court today,” said Eugene Vidineac, representing the brothers.

“Andrew and Tristan are still determined to clear their name and reputation; however, they are grateful to the courts for placing this trust in them. For the brothers, who have faced limitations on their movement for nearly two years, this ruling is a welcome relief – it allows them to resume their lives with greater freedom and peace of mind.

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“They are now able to travel freely throughout the EU to pursue professional opportunities without restriction.”

What was Andrew Tate charged with?

Andrew and Tristan Tate were first arrested on December 29, 2022, along with two other suspects while Romanian forces investigated them for alleged sexual assault and exploitation.

Now that they’re facing trial, Romanian prosecutors have confirmed the charges being brought forward are human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.

Andrew Tate in black jacket held by policeYouTube/Sky News
Andrew Tate has had his appeal for release denied five times.

Initially arrested as part of an organized crime investigation on December 29, 2022, the Tate brothers spent a number of months in jail before being released at the end of March.

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Andrew, Tristan, and two female suspects are all still under house arrest, and are being sent to trial on charges of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang, Reuters report.

Prosecutors have identified six women claiming to be victims of Andrew Tate. Their case alleges that the Tates seduced women so that they would produce pornographic content on demand, which was used to fuel a webcam business.

How long will the trial take?

A start date for the trial has not yet been confirmed. Before this, a judge must inspect the case files, and has 60 days to do so.

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During the wait for the trial, it’s unclear whether the brothers and the two women also accused, will remain under house arrest.

In May, A Romanian court ruled that the trial was clear to commence in Romania, but a set date has not been given yet. Once they have finished facing charges in Romania, they will likely also be processed in the UK court system as well.

How long was Andrew Tate in jail for?

Andrew and Tristan Tate were in prison for three months, having entered Romanian custody in December 22. Their jail time was extended for another month and was protracted several times after bail was repeatedly denied. This means the Tates spent four months in jail.

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Under Romanian law, suspects can be detained for a maximum of six months while investigations into their actions are ongoing, so the Tates could theoretically have served another two months in jail before being released or being sentenced.

They returned to jail for a few hours on March 12, 2024, but were soon released after a judge ruled that they had to face trial for the Romanian charges before being trialed in the UK.

Are Andrew and Tristan Tate still under house arrest?

As of August 2023, the Tate brothers are no longer under house arrest, after spending two months relegated to their home in Romania. They are free to travel in Romania but they are not allowed to leave the country.

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On May 19, 2023, the brothers were relegated to their home for two months, with another 30-day extension given by a court decision on that same day.

Tate reacted to the news on Twitter, saying he “wasn’t told why” his stay was extended.

They received another 30-day extension to their house arrest on July 18, 2023, and were released from house arrest in August.

As of July 5, 2024, the pair are free to leave Romania, but can only travel within the EU.

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Re-arrest on UK warrant

On March 11, 2024, Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested again by Romanian authorities after a warrant was issued by Westminster Magistrates Court in London.

The brothers were arrested on charges of sexual aggression that date back to between 2012 and 2015.

A lawyer representing four women who accused Tate of rape and sexual assault urged British police to immediately act receiving information that he was planning to leave Romania, a statement said.

After appearing at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, it was ruled that Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan would be extradited to the UK following the conclusion of legal proceedings in Romania. However, the date for their trial has yet to be decided.

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How long could Andrew Tate go to jail for?

Under Romanian law, the Tate brothers could face jail sentences for as long as ten years for trafficking adults. The Tates have denied all accusations of human trafficking, rape, and sexual exploitation.

However, they could face more time if they’re found guilty of multiple crimes, particularly the rape charges. Rape in Romania can result in up to 18 years in jail.

In the UK, jail sentences for sexual assault can last up to 14 years.

For more updates on Andrew Tate, check out our coverage of how the charges against him were recently broadened.

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