What is Monk Mode? Viral productivity trend explained

monk modeTikTok: superiormale

People all over the world are going into ‘monk mode’ and leaving behind excuses in order to achieve better productivity over time.

Monks are prominently known for their ability to meditate in silence for an extended amount of time. They’re praised all around the globe, but mostly practice in countries like Thailand, Tibet, and Laos Myanmar. 

Though a monk’s inner stillness takes great resistance to achieve, TikTokers all over have tried to attain a higher state of being and better productivity rate by going into ‘monk mode.’

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Since the ‘monk mode’ trend has taken off, many people have praised the results of giving up parts of their lives to become an even better version of themselves.

People are creating non-negotiables to abide by on a daily basis in order to be more productive over time.TikTok: superiormale
People are creating non-negotiables to abide by on a daily basis in order to be more productive over time.

‘Monk mode’ must be practiced over an extended period of time 

To be in ‘monk mode’ means to create “non-negotiables” to abide by for a certain amount of time — whether it be 21 days or three months, it’s meant to be practiced consistently over time.

Non-negotiables could be a combination of giving up time on social media, exercising every day, daily meditation, clean eating, and replenishing with water.

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The results are meant to help you get rid of the excess noise and narrow your priorities down to more natural habits in order to be more productive and centered.

One TikToker who has practiced going into ‘monk mode’ explained the process, saying, “Monk mode is a state of extreme focus and discipline. It involves creating a structured routine and environment that promotes deep focus and productivity.” 

The TikToker continued, “This means eliminating all your distractions so that you focus on your goals and achieve your dreams.” They also mentioned that sleep should take rank as a non-negotiable, because it aids in the body’s mental and physical stamina.

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Those who have attempted to achieve ‘monk mode’ have commented on TikTok to share their results. While one participant admitted that its process was “a lot,” others have shared their more positive results, saying, “I felt my whole entire body open up” while they meditated and stretched.

‘Monk mode’ can be practiced by anyone, as it’s essentially the individual’s decision what to include as their non-negotiables for the day. So, although it would be easy to not take the process seriously, it could be just as easy to abide by your own set of rules in order to achieve being more productive and centered.

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