While using Snapchat, or other social media apps like TikTok or Twitter, you may have encountered the acronym ‘LMS’ — here’s everything to know about what it means.
Snapchat is still one of the most popular social media apps out there, allowing users to communicate with their friends through a range of media including direct messages, images, videos, and more.
Like many other social media platforms, Snapchat is full of different slang terms and acronyms that make interactions quicker and more engaging. But if you’re not an avid user, some of these can often seem confusing.
When using the instant messaging app, you may have at some point come across the frequently used term ‘LMS.’ Here’s everything to know about what it means, and when it’s used.
LMS meaning on Snapchat
On Snapchat, LMS usually stands for ‘Let Me See,’ a phrase used to request more information or express interest in seeing something mentioned in a conversation. This term is versatile and can be employed in various scenarios.
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For example, if a friend shares a teaser of a new outfit or a glimpse of a recent vacation spot on their Snapchat story, responding with “LMS” is a casual way of expressing your curiosity or desire to see more. It’s akin to saying, “Show me more,” or “I’m interested, tell me more about it.”
It can also come in handy during more direct conversations. If someone mentions they’ve got a new pet, or a new piece of artwork, “LMS” can be a quick way to encourage them to share more details or visuals.
Although that is the most common meaning of LMS, there are other things it could also stand for, such as ‘Like My Status,’ Love Myself,’ or ‘Let Me Stop.’
If there are any other terms and phrases you don’t know the meaning of, you can check out our guide here to learn all about Snapchat’s most popular slang.