What does 2tnslppbntso mean on TikTok? Classic Spanish challenge goes viral

2tnslppbntso text on tiktok logoTikTok

A classic Spanish language trick has gone viral on TikTok once again, as users confuse others by making them read out ‘2tnslppbntso’ but what does it actually stand for?

As TikTok has blown up in popularity and become a go-to social media platform for the masses, it has developed a life of its own when it comes to viral posts and trends.

Users have engaged in ‘cults’ – where they change their profile photo to something random and dominate comments – they’ve repurposed age-old hypotheticals to make hilarious videos, and even debated the presence of time travelers on the app.

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Though, more recently, users have been using an old Spanish language trick to make their friends, family, and co-workers say something a little bit less – though, not everyone quite understands what’s going.

hand holding phone tiktok appUnsplash: Solen Feyissa
TikTok is a hub of entertaining content from all sorts of well-known names.

What is 2tnslppbntso on TikTok?

If you’ve scrolled TikTok at some point in the last few weeks, you’ll have more than likely come across a video where someone is asking somebody else to read out 2tnslppbntso.

Now, it doesn’t seem like much if the collection of letters is said slowly, but when sped up it actually becomes the Spanish phrase “Tu tienes el pipi bien tieso?”

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As noted, it’s actually a little bit rude and basically translates to “You got your peepee very stiff.” So, you can see where people might be embarrassed by it when they realize what they’ve just said aloud.


The trick is a pretty old one – it’s been around on the internet forever – but as we’ve seen, the power of TikTok can bring it back and make anything new.

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There have been plenty of posts about it, and even more comments asking what is means, so hopefully, things are a little clearer now.