Walmart vest signed by TikTok star Gail Lewis goes on sale for over $400K

Gail Lewis singed Walmart vestTikTok: @airrak

Gail Lewis, a former Walmart employee and viral TikTok star, has signed a Walmart vest that’s selling on Ebay for over $400k.

Ebay users far and wide have been bidding to win a highly coveted item – a signed Walmart vest by former employee, Gail Lewis. 

If you’ve been following the saga of Gail Lewis, then you’ll know that she became a TikTok sensation, when she bid an emotional farewell to her colleagues at Walmart, after working at the store for 10 years. 

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“Attention Walmart, this is Gail Lewis,” she said through a walkie-talkie. “10-year associate Morris, Illinois 8-4-4, signing out, good night.” The TikToker remained brief in her sign-off, but her emotions came in full force when she got in her car, and felt the loss of her beloved store. 

The original video went mega viral, and gained over 32 million views on TikTok, acquiring a wealth of fans in the meantime. 

Where does the Gail Lewis Walmart vest come from? 

So, how did the signed Walmart vest come to be? Well, it all happened when YouTube star Eric Decker, better known as Airrack on YT and famous for his “couch series” collaboration with Logan Paul, came up with the idea to make a vest commemorating her fame on the platform. 

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Eric went so far as to fly all the way to Morris, Illinois, with the jersey for Gail to sign. 

The two came up with a plan, and decided that it would be best to auction off the piece on Ebay, and give all the proceeds to a charity chosen by Gail. The one she chose was the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

The vest accumulated over $400K on eBay, before being removed from the selling platform.

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Airrack perma banned on eBay after Gail Lewis signed Walmart vest reaches $400k

On December 15, Airrack uploaded a video to TikTok explaining that he’d been permanently banned from eBay after the vest reached the $400K mark.

This left him with the task of finding another auction house to auction off the vest for charity – and luckily, Goldin answered the call.

Airrack said he took the first flight out of Los Angeles to New Jersey to get the vest authenticated in-person by Goldin’s staff. Now, the vest is up for sale on the platform with a current bid of $10,000.

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It remains to be seen if the vest will reach the $400K mark it got on eBay, but fans are certainly shocked after seeing the number go up by thousands of dollars mere hours after the new posting went live.