Viral video shows homeless man smashing Walmart jewelry counter with hammer

TikTok video showing homeless man getting arrestedTikTok: JoeAnderson759

A series of viral TikTok videos show a homeless man getting arrested after smashing the glass on Walmart’s jewelry counters with a hammer.

When it comes to viral videos on TikTok, you never know what’s going to pop up from one of the billion monthly users of the site.

From boyfriends faking their girlfriend’s kidnapping to a woman having her UberEats driver rescue her from the roof of her apartment, the possibilities are endless.

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TikToker Joe Anderson, who goes by the name JoeAnderson759 on the app, recently uploaded a series of videos showing a homeless man smashing Walmart jewelry counters with a hammer just before his arrest.

Homeless man smashes Walmart jewelry counter

Uploaded on April 15, 2023, Joe’s first video shows a bearded man in a coat smashing the glass counters across nearly every single one of Walmart’s jewelry displays.

Using a hammer that appears to have come straight from the hardware section, the man made his way around the department while employees worked to keep bystanders out of harm’s way.

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Joe’s second video shows the man being walked out of the store by police and being placed into the back of one of the officer’s cruisers.

“Got em. Good stuff,” Joe said.

The videos quickly went viral, with the first one being viewed over 27 million times, and have amassed over 36,000 comments.

Many of them echoed the same thoughts, with many convinced he did it on purpose in order to be placed in jail with a roof over his head and food on his plate.

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“he did it on purpose for a roof over his head and food,” one user replied.

Another commented: “He has a roof over his head now and probably the best meal he’s had in months.”

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