Viral TikTok shows cat playing tic-tac-toe during Coronavirus quarantine

iqraanabi - Twitter

Despite all of the gloominess it’s brought onto the world, the recent Coronavirus outbreak has at least produced one silver lining – adorable TikTok videos of pets playing tic-tac-toe.

With so many temporarily off work and school due to the Coronavirus, staying home with not much to do, there’s been another, much brighter outbreak – one involving pets, tic-tac-toe, and TikTok.

User ‘iqraanabi’ posted the most adorable video playing the simple paper-and-pencil game with her cat, Taz, which has struck gold in terms of views. Over the first 20 hours, it amassed over 652,000 views on TikTok, and another whopping 10.1 million on Twitter.

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It seems that the charming nature of the clip has struck a chord with people, since the result of the game was pretty one-sided, as you’d imagine. It ended in the minimum three moves, but the fact that Taz was clearly and visibly pointing to spots on the paper for where its owner should draw the O’s is just pure awesomeness.

In fact, what could be the funniest part doesn’t come until the end of the video, when the owner lovingly points a middle finger only for her cat to react angrily, as anyone would when being taunted after a loss.

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A while after posting this TikTok, the user followed it up with an update – a clip captioned “what a sore loser,” showing the kitty scaling a wall in agony after the defeat.

If the music and concept of the video seem familiar, it’s probably because you’ve seen another one that’s very similar to it, with the main difference being that it features a turtle instead of a cat.

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This one’s pulled in over 11.8 million views on TikTok over a three-day span, and a mindblowing 24.3 million on Twitter, making it one of the most viral clips of 2020 so far.

It’s clear that people are loving these types of videos for some reason, and it’s not because these pets are showing great aptitude in tic-tac-toe, because they’re definitely not.

The owners of this cat and turtle should consider themselves fortunate; their pets at least seem to have a grasp of the game, whereas others’ haven’t proven to be so bright.

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One user on Twitter posted a clip of her bunny in response to the kitty video, and the rabbit instantly began chewing the piece of paper rather than playing a turn.

Either way, there’s no doubt that this type of content is becoming all the rage on TikTok at the moment, and who knows where it’ll end up since there’s no end in sight yet for this Coronavirus scare.