Viral shouting match has the internet divided over who should pay $4600 bill

restaurant bill tiktokTikTok: viccgotti

A birthday meal that went horribly wrong when the bill arrived has left the internet divided over who should pay the massive $4600 bill.

TikToker viccgotti uploaded a series of videos from a birthday dinner he attended with childhood friends, where they went to a fancy restaurant to celebrate.

However, a fight broke out when the bill arrived, revealing that several members of the group had ordered significantly more than the rest, meaning that the bill totalled 4600 dollars.

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Viral TikToker reveals he lost childhood friends over $4600 bill

In the video, which circulated widely on TikTok and Twitter, the birthday girl can be seen asking the rest of the table to split the bill equally, saying: “It’s my f*cking birthday, why the f*ck should I have to pay for something on my birthday?”

However, the person filming and another guest pointed out that most of the bill had been ordered by just a couple of people, and they shouldn’t have to pay more because others ate more expensive food.

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“Why would I pay for something I didn’t buy? I’m not splitting the bill. You got lamb chops, you got steak, look at how much you got!”

In a follow-up video, the uploader said that he had lost friends over the argument, despite knowing them since the third grade.

“They said that they didn’t want to mess with us, and this has been my friend since like third grade. I’m like ‘you seriously don’t want to be my friend no more?'”

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He defended his choice to upload the videos despite the negative impact it had on the birthday girl, saying: “Hey, those are your actions. That is what you did.

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