Tyler1 accidentally mocks World War 2 while streaming in Germany

Tyler1 shocked in Twitch camera.Twitch: Tyler1

Tyler1 has been streaming his climb through EU West League of Legends services from Berlin, Germany. However, when talking about trying to get food in the country, he accidentally mocked World War 2 by saying Germany operated like it was in “19 f***ing 40”.

Getting used to living in a new country can be difficult. Every culture operates in different ways and by different standards, and it can be difficult to get your hands on things that are easily accessible at home.

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Tyler1’s been traveling around the world to stream League of Legends solo queue in other countries with the goal of hitting Challenger on servers outside of the US.

He’s chosen Berlin, Germany, as his destination for grinding through EU West, and he just so happened to make a comment mocking World War 2 during an on-stream rant.

Tyler1 mocks World World 2 on accident while streaming in Berlin

Tyler1 is known primarily for two things as a streamer: He’s really good at League of Legends, and he’s got a big personality. He’s got a reputation for loud and hilarious on-stream moments and rants, and those are a big part of what’s made him a massive streamer that’s recognized outside of just the game he plays.

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That said, his loud personality doesn’t always do him well. He’s gotten in hot water in the past for things he’s said on stream and in-game but has since become a much more tame streamer. For the most part, anyways.

However, recent comments while streaming from Berlin, Germany, certainly raised some eyebrows.

Tyler1 was in the middle of a heated rant about how difficult it was for him to get the food he wanted in Germany via delivery apps. Seeing as he normally streams for several hours at once, it’s rare he gets a moment to step away and grab a bite to eat.

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“Dude, is this a third-world country? Or is NA just that optimized? Jesus, get with the times, man! It’s 2023, not 19 f***ing 40.”

He didn’t realize his mistake until he read a message from one of his chatters on-stream.

“‘Did he just compare 2023 Germany to 1940 Germany because he couldn’t remove syrup from his blueberry pancakes?’ Okay, I didn’t actually know what date and timeframe that all happened, so I apologize for that. Didn’t mean to bring that up; I’m sorry.”

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Tyler laughed at his own mistake and apologized to any chatters offended by his comment.