Twitter users revolt as another beloved feature removed after Musk buyout

Twitter moments removedTwitter

Twitter users are dissatisfied after another useful feature, Moments, were removed from the platform. It’s yet another change following Elon Musk’s buyout that has left users scratching their heads, with many using Moments to organize and feature their work.

Twitter Moments might not have been the most popular feature, but they were certainly useful for some users on the platform.

Intended to highlight specific events, Moments were popular for news organizations and content creators to have all their work on a specific topic in one place. Individual events could be threaded into a singular Moment, updated and reorganized for a clearer timeline.

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However the feature is on the chopping block, with Twitter removing Moments functionality on December 7.

“Not all moments last,” the platform tweeted. “As of today we’re removing the option to create Moments for most users as we focus on improving other experiences. Don’t worry, you can still see past Moments and follow Live events on Twitter.”

The move enraged dedicated users, with more than 16,000 quote tweets at the time of publishing criticizing the decision. This is compared with just 3,000 likes on the base tweet itself.

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“This is a terrible mistake, lots of creators big and small use moments to organize their work,” artist ‘Dreamy’ said. “They’re extremely useful and one of the best features of twitter. Getting rid of them makes no sense and will not improve the user experience in any way.”

Others asked for Twitter to bring it back with new and improved functionality: “Can you improve moments instead? Like, they’re so useful. Y’all implemented some funny little hexagon icons for tech bros who are addicted to losing money, maybe do something for creatives on the website,” artist ‘Sgathan’ added.

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It’s yet another major platform change that has been criticized since Elon Musk’s $44 billion buyout of the social media giant. Twitter Blue’s revamp to include verification ended in disaster, while departing top engineers and staffers sounded alarms about the platform’s stability, leading to uncertainty.

While numerous rivals to Twitter, such as Mastodon and Hive, have tried to get a foothold in the space since, none have made serious inroads into challenging the giant, which Musk says has reached historic traffic numbers since his takeover.

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