Twitch’s Dan Clancy flashes CEO badge at TwitchCon Paris to help streamer in need

Dan Clancy TwitchCon ParisTwitch: DJClancy

Twitch’s CEO Daniel Clancy assisted a streamer in need by flashing his “CEO” badge to security at TwitchCon Paris, allowing them to use the disabled bathroom after the con had ended.

Being a CEO can be rather tough work. Not only are you the big boss of an entire organization, but you’ve got plenty of things to manage including teams and resources. This is even more true for CEOs of major companies such as the madly popular streaming site Twitch. Not only is Twitch a massive company, but managing the various aspects of the streaming site as well as interacting with the community is a big ask.

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Though current Twitch CEO Dan Clancy appears more than up to the task, often appearing live on-stream to address fans directly. Clancy was recently revealed as the CEO of Twitch back in March of 2023. Replacing the last co-founder of the site Emmett Shear after they resigned. Since that time, Clancy has spent a good amount of time investigating and learning more about the many communities the website hosts, and even streams occasionally on his own Twitch channel.

Dan Clancy once again positively contributed to the Twitch community on July 9, this time during the recent TwitchCon that took place in Paris.

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Clancy was able to use his “CEO” status to help out a streamer who was trying to get their friend access to the disabled bathroom.

“I can go in… Can I walk her? I’m the CEO. I’m the CEO,” Clancy clarified with a nearby security guard.

The guard, confused, asked for the help of another employee, to who he explained the situation.

“I’m the CEO of Twitch and she needs to go to the bathroom, can I walk her over there?”

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The other employee was still not quite certain if this was allowed, so Clancy decided to give them the badge, which allowed them to go to the bathroom.

The streamer, lomadia, took to Twitter to thank Clancy for all his help, calling him an “Absolute legend”.

Now that TwitchCon Paris is over, it’s unlikely we’ll see Clancy for a little bit, but rest assured, they’re likely performing some good deed, somewhere.