Twitch viewers worried as speedrunner has to call paramedics after 21-hour stream

Linkus 7 streamerLinkus7, Twitch

Fans of Twitch speedruner Linkus7 became worried as the streamer began to experience heart palpitations live on air, causing him to end things abruptly.

Streaming is normally an experience full of hilarity, joy, and togetherness. It has enabled people across the globe to stay connected and live in the moment, no matter what game is on display. 

As entertaining as they might be, it’s no easy feat to keep up high levels of energy for hours on end. Everyone needs to take a break once in a while. 

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Linus aka Linkus7 is widely known for his mighty speedruns of the Super Mario and Legend of Zelda franchises. Specifically, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is where he holds numerous world records. His current goal is to complete Breath of the Wild in under 20 hours. We’re not sure that is even possible, but Linus will certainly try to find a way.

Twitch streamer Linkus7 holding TwitchCon badgeTwitter: Linkus7
CLG’s Linkus7 is well-known for his incredible speedrun attempts.

Before he does that, he’ll most likely be taking some well-earned time off. Fans were concerned for his well-being after a seemingly typical stream took a serious turn. 

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Making his way through Breath of The Wild, Linus was enjoying a successful stream. The situation became quickly troubling, as the streamer began to experience heart palpitations live on air. Displaying clear breathing difficulties, Linus ended his stream abruptly to ensure paramedics were dispatched to his home. 

Many fans think that Linus experienced a panic attack, as a result of the palpitations. However, others feel that it was possibly a blood clot due to the extended nature of Linus’s streams affecting his body. Fans were quick to show their support and clarification on the situation. “It’s always worth a PSA whenever stuff like this happens,” one fan noted in regards to the severity of Linus’s health scare. 

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Linus’s speed run totaled 21 hours, with many fans pointing out the importance of taking breaks during these long challenges.

Thankfully Linus’s safety was confirmed to be on the positive side, even if this viewer wasn’t too sure of Linus’s sequential actions.

We’re glad to see that Linus is making a swift recovery. While long gaming sessions are fun, please remember to take a well-earned break.