Twitch streamer uses romance to try and fight parking ticket

Twitch, @JonZherka / FreePik

An IRL Twitch streamer, Jon Zherka, was streaming live when he received a parking ticket and decided he should try to fight it by arguing that his violation was in the name of love and courtship.

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Twitch’s IRL streamers are a different breed, and Zherka is no exception. In the unflinching spirit of content creation, Zherka was streaming live, saw a parking officer giving a parking ticket, and decided to try and get the law of the land rescinded.

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A former nightclub bouncer in Vancouver, Zherka has built a substantial online following as a confident, socially comfortable personality with a particular tendency for promiscuity. As such, he has worked numerous times with Austin (formerly known as Rajj Patel) and appeared on the Rajjchelor streamer dating show.

Fittingly, then, Zherka’s argument for why he shouldn’t receive a ticket for failing to pay his parking meter was that he didn’t have the time, as he needed to catch up to a girl to try and ask for her number. There’s a plot twist later, but we won’t spoil it for you just yet.

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As seen in the clip, Zherka sees an assumed parking officer off-screen and asks them if he got a ticket. The officer delivers the unfortunate news and claims it would be a hefty $47 amount when he asks how much it will set him back.

Politely, Zherka notes that the cost isn’t too high, but asks the officer to “please delete it,” before realizing good manners won’t get the job done in this situation. Thus, he alters strategy and opens up about the true reason for his violation of the law: “I was trying to pick up a thick chick … If I told you I got her number, would you delete that ticket?”

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With great power comes great responsibility and the officer stood true to his professional values, denying that a successful courtship by Zherka would have been enough to make him drop the ticket. Then, suspecting something was afoot when Zherka continued to walk on, the officer asks if it’s actually his car that’s been ticketed.

Zherka then reveals as classic an IRL Twitch plot twist as you can get: “Oh, no. I just farm clips.”

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