Twitch streamer shows off insane $2.5 million setup

Flight simulation streamer Nico, known as DAL123 on Twitch, goes above and beyond to entertain his viewers with one of the most realistic, and expensive, streaming setups on the platform.

Born in Argentina, the streamer always wanted to be a pilot, but his passion was in making money, so he constructed a full-size plane simulator in his Manhattan home to escape the stresses of real life.

He was able to showcase his ridiculous streaming rig, which recreates in-air turbulence, to the world during a show hosted by popular entertainment streamer Rajj Patel who couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.

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TWITCH:DAL123Nico’s streaming rig allows him to immerse himself in the aviation world.

Streamer exhibits $2.5 million setup

The streamer requires a nine-core workstation processor to run his amazing visuals which provide his viewers with stunning visuals from around the world during his simulated flights.

When questioned about the cost of running such a high-quality piece of technology, Nico revealed that the total price of the machine was a staggering $2.5 million, as pieces were custom made and flown in from Germany.

Streamer survived 9/11 attack

While most of the Twitch chat was amazed and interested in what the streamer had to offer, some individuals spammed the feed asking him to “fly into a building” which Nico took great offence too.

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The content creator revealed that he was actually present during the devastating 9/11 attacks and luckily vacated the second building for a cigarette before impact which ultimately saved his life.

Popular Twitch streamer, xQc, previously mocked big and small streamers for ‘spaceship’ setups stating that he felt that the old school approach to streaming was much more enjoyable.

We can only hope that he doesn’t stumble upon Nico’s channel or he might not be seen for a very long time.

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