Twitch streamer harassed by stranger for being “white”

Man harassed by woman for being white twitch stream 1Twitch: reydempto

Twitch streamer ‘reydempto’ was harangued on the street during a broadcast by a seemingly drunk stranger who berated him for his race.

IRL streams are a popular category on Twitch, where broadcasters share their everyday lives and their travels abroad with fans as they happen in real time.

However, some of these broadcasts can capture uncomfortable or downright dangerous moments, such as the time travel streamer Jinny’s phone was stolen from her by a speeding motorcyclist in the middle of a stream.

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Another uncomfortable moment was caught live while streamer ‘Reydempto’ was out on the streets of Amsterdam at night.

Man harassed by stranger for being “white” during Twitch stream

During his nighttime excursion, Rey was approached by a woman who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. “It’s so f*ckin’ funny, isn’t it?” she remarked, seemingly in response to something Rey had said.

“Your hat’s funny,” Rey replied, panning the camera to show a bright orange hat the woman was holding. “Why don’t you wear it?”

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The woman then went on a tirade about Rey’s race, saying, “[w]hy don’t you wear it? You’re so white. You’re so white. Like, you know how much you have benefited from being white?”

“Yeah,” Rey answered.

Their conversation was interrupted by another woman who urged Rey against streaming the altercation. “Sorry, you cannot film her on this, at all,” the other woman said. “It is not acceptable.”

“Then you should walk away, because I was just walking down the street and she stopped me,” Rey explained.

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“Are you from a third-world country?” the first woman asked out of frame of the camera.

Although the clip ends shortly thereafter, Rey explained in a tweet reply that the encounter lasted much longer than the small snippet of his stream that has gone viral online.

He made more comments about the situation on Twitter, saying, “My best guess is she was drunk and just got done having a bad interaction with someone else before running into my girlfriend and I. Still steaming on that argument, she set her sights on me.”

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This is far from the first time a traveling streamer has had a negative encounter with a stranger; late last year, steamer ExtraEmily was the target of a racist comment during a live stream that left viewers disgusted.