Twitch streamer gets food stolen by giant crow in bizarre livestream encounter

Twitch streamer Crazy_Japanese gets her food stolen by a giant bird on the streets of Japan.Twitch: Crazy_Japanese

A Twitch streamer had their food hijacked by a huge stealthy crow in a bizarre Japan live stream that could have ended far worse for them.

Twitch streamer Crazy_Japanese was attempting to enjoy a nice meal in the streets of Japan when a giant crow dropped in without warning and took off with the goods.

The clip was captured on stream and chat was left stunned as everyone attempted to process what exactly they had just witnessed. Even with help from the video, it’s hard to process such a bizarre occurrence, especially at the speed it happened in.

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Twitch streamer gets robbed by a giant bird

One second the streamer was showcasing her food to the camera and letting chat get a good look at it for themselves and the next second her food was wrapped in the clutches of a monstrous crow that never once turned back.

Naturally, she was shocked by the incident and was pretty much frozen in place as she accepted what happened but didn’t stop viewers from laughing or chipping in some supportive “yoink” comments on behalf of the bird.

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All things considered, she maintained composure relatively in the immediate aftermath. It might seem like a funny occurrence from the outside, but in reality, her hand was in serious danger being that close to the impact zone.

Luckily, nothing more came of the situation and it will primarily live on as a funny story for her to tell in the future, but it’s still a scary way for anyone to have their lunch interrupted.

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