Twitch streamer ExtraEmily freaks out after perfect game of Switch Sports Bowling

ExtraEmily bowls a 300 in Switch sportsNintendo/Instagram/extra.emilay

Rising Twitch streamer Emily ‘ExtraEmily’ Zhang found a brilliant strategy in Switch Sports Bowling that let her bowl a perfect game in Nintendo’s latest release.

ExtraEmily has had quite an impressive couple of weeks. In April, she was named the winner of Mizkif’s Twitch show ‘Schooled’ earning a massive $50,000 prize. Now, in the first week of May, she’s bowled a 300 in Switch Sports.

Just like Wii Sports before it, Switch Sports gives players the comfort of “bowling” in their living rooms without needing to rent some nasty shoes or lift heavy balls.

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Already, we’ve seen Switch Sports make an impact on the gaming scene and ExtraEmily was no exception, wanting to bowl a perfect game and devoted a whole stream to doing so.

ExtraEmily bowls perfect game in Switch Sports Bowling

On May 1, Emily began her quest for the perfect game, but was nowhere closer to reaching her goal than when she started, roughly three and a half hours in.

Luckily, after checking her vods and doing some research, she appeared to develop a winning strategy of lining up the ball in just the right way before bowling to seemingly guarantee a strike.

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After a couple of tries, the streamer was confident in her technique and unleashed strike after strike leaving no pin safe before she found herself one shot away.

“Chat was here,” she said before bowling her final ball. “Oh God! Let’s go!”

With the final pins knocked out and the perfect game achieved, Emily stood up and jumped for joy, shouting “perfect game” over and over dancing in victory.

It remains to be seen if Emily can will her Switch skills to the bowling alley and try for a 300 in real bowling, but if her determination with the Nintendo game is any indication, she could very well make it a reality.

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