Twitch streamer catches live theft in grocery store

Jaystreazy, Instagram / Freepik

As IRL streaming grows in popularity, more and more streamers are broadcasting their daily lives for all to see – but sometimes, these broadcasts can capture awkward, unexpected, and sometimes downright shocking moments as they unfold in real time.

While many IRL streamers showcase nights out on the town, international travels, and high-class food for their fans, that’s not always the case, as real-life sometimes throws curveballs right in the face of their content plans.

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In fact, some IRL streamers have even caught acts of blatant racism, pickpocketing, and fistfights on camera as they actually happen – but one internet personality recorded a scandal of a different kind.

Jaystreazy, InstagramPopular IRL Twitch streamer “Jaystreazy” caught a theft happening during a live broadcast.

Partnered Twitch streamer “Jaystreazy” is known for broadcasting his international travels and food conquests, boasting an audience of over 14k followers on the platform thanks to his IRL antics.

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However, a recent clip from his stream is putting him on the radar for an unexpected reason, after catching a thief taking food from a grocery store during a broadcast.

Footage from Jaystreazy’s stream shows a man in a blue shirt exiting the store with items in hand, which Jay clarified was food.

“Dude, that guy just walked in and stole a bunch of food and then just left,” he explained in muted shock. “That was crazy.”

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When his chat suggested he perform a citizens’ arrest on the thief, Jay immediately declined, going on to further explain what had happened for those who couldn’t clearly see the theft.

“It looked like a homeless man, who may have had some mental issues,” the streamer explained. “He just walked into the grocery store, right in the store entrance, there’s a bunch of food that you can take to eat… he just walked in, grabbed some stuff, and walked out. That was it.”

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This wouldn’t be the first time a streamer has caught a theft going down on camera, either: popular streamer Giannie Lee unknowingly filmed a pickpocket pilfering her partner’s wallet during a May 21 broadcast, who eventually “returned” the item to seemingly avoid suspicion.

No matter the circumstances, IRL streams often deliver such unexpected moments to unsuspecting audiences, making for one of the most unpredictable genres on massive platforms like Twitch on a near-constant basis.

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