Twitch streamer blindsided as dog surprises him with nasty “nut shot”

twitch streamer dog nutsTwitch, yungBORO / Pexels

A Twitch streamer by the name of ‘yungBORO’ was having a jolly stream, discussing creativity and whatnot, until his dog decided to intervene. Without a shred of hesitation, the little hound delivered a powerful “nut shot.”

As the timeless adage goes, “dogs are man’s best friend.” A testament to our canine companions’ warmth and comfort, this expression is typically considered relatable and everlasting.

There is another, potentially conflicting morsel of wisdom, though: “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

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In a Twitch clip from yungBORO, both classic phrases seemed to blend together. When Boro walked away from his setup for a moment, his dog took advantage of the situation and decided to get… painfully close.

Twitch streamer’s dog delivers devastating “nut shot”

As you can see in the clip, Boro and a female companion are chatting it up quite casually. While the lady speaks of creativity and her old drawings, Boro decides to get up and walk away.

That’s when the canine companion saw its opportunity and sprung into action (pun embarrassingly intended). As Boro strolled toward the door, the handsy hound surged upward and delivered a paw to his nether regions.

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In an instant, Boro was keeled over, letting out a loud groan, followed by an explanatory “agh, he just nut-shotted me with a jump.”

dog funny cute picturePexels
I used to think dogs were cute. I still do, but I used to, too.

With this act of doggy danger, Boro’s plans to leave the room were thwarted. Instead, he sat back down and reeled in the tragic moment: “Why the nut shot? That’s so f**ked up.”

While Boro may have wondered what prompted the attack, we’ve put our magnifying glass to the situation as well. After careful investigation, it appears that the little dog was interested in a ball-shaped object in Boro’s hand.

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At the time of writing, there is no update on this episode. While Boro and his “best friend” obviously have some relationship issues to work out, we can’t help but appreciate the dog’s verticality in the meantime.