Twitch streamer banned for a week for looking at a BTTV emote

Twitch streamer banned for BTTV emoteTwitch/BTTV

A streamer has hit out at Twitch for banning him for a week after he looked at an emote on the front page of BetterTTV.

BetterTTV, sometimes referred to as BTTV, is a browser extension that enhances the Twitch experience by providing an assortment of new emotes and features.

Some of the most famous Twitch lingo, such as MonkaS, KEKW and Pepega are all BTTV emotes and have become staples of Twitch chat culture.

However, not all of these emotes are necessarily approved by Twitch itself. On May 11, Twitch streamer alternateAU was banned for 7 days, for “looking at this emote which was on the front page of BTTV.”

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