Twitch streamer abruptly ends broadcast after gatecrashing store robbery

IRL Twitch streamer jamonitMack witnessed a store robbery leading him to call the police during a late-night stream exploring San Francisco.

IRL streams can be unpredictable in terms of what you might come across, especially when a streamer is dealing with the general public.

Being confronted and pushed by a stranger, to being chased by a drunk man are just some of the recent examples of bizarre situations that streamers have faced.

In the case of Twitch streamer jamonitMack, he was exploring the streets of San Francisco as he usually would on a weekend. However, during his stream, the small Twitch streamer came across a break-in at a local store, which prompted him to get the police involved.

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During jamonitMack’s stream on November 27, the streamer walked past his local convenience store but noticed something out of the ordinary. There men, who Mack didn’t recognize, trying to get into the store after hours.

Fortunately for Mack, the two men trying to get into the store didn’t seem to notice him. “What the hell is that guy doing?” said Mack as he carried on walking away, but checked over his shoulder. “Are those guys breaking into the store? Hold up.”

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The streamer quickly crossed the street before getting out of sight and dialing 911. After taking to the dispatcher, the streamer explained that he knows the owner of the store as he frequently shops there himself.

Shortly after calling the police, Mack decided to go ahead and end his stream quite abruptly.

Since ending his stream, the streamer hasn’t provided any updates on his social media pages about what happened. So, we’ll just have to wait and see what he says when he next goes live.

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