Twitch sparks backlash from streamers after new ad option still doesn’t fix pre-rolls

New Twitch ad typeTwitch

Twitch have announced a new ad format that should create a better experience for viewers, but streamers are upset that the change does nothing to fix complaints with pre-rolls.

Pre-roll ads are the bane of many streamers and viewers. These are the ads that play the second a stream begins and can be a major annoyance for anyone just wanting to get straight to watching their favorite streamer or event.

Taking aim at ads themselves, on August 2, Twitch announced Stream Display Ads would be coming soon. These are optional ads on the bottom and/or sides of the screen that still allow viewers to see and hear the stream.

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While Twitch’s intention was definitely good and new options are usually always welcome, the fact they don’t apply to pre-rolls isn’t sitting too well with some.

Twitch changing adds with new option

“I’m very confused – Most of us care about the impact of ads rather than how we can earn more ad revenue. I personally don’t even run ads because it’s not worth it,” streamer Cadaea wrote. “Pre-rolls are the ones that are too interruptive and restrict discoverability.”

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Attached, she included a photo from the FAQ stating that Stream Display Ads are being implemented to be less interruptive.

Others shared similar concerns. “I know many streamers would like the update on the pre-rolls especially since the bounce rate is so incredibly high,” Twitch affiliate BenGSimon wrote.

“SDAs won’t contribute to pre-roll time at launch. If you have feedback on this feature please let us know on UserVoice!” Twitch quickly responded.


Elsewhere, some streamers found the addition of SDAs a poor one. “So you still run pre-roll ads and now have figured out another way to add more ads?” UnfluffyBunny commented.

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“If you said this replaces pre-roll ads or other ads I would be like yes twitch a step in the right direction but no you are just finding another way to add more ads so you make more money!”

It does seem like Twitch isn’t exactly opposed to having SDAs replace pre-rolls in some capacity in the future, but obviously the fact it doesn’t outright has some users on the platform shaking their heads and fists.

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Hopefully, SDAs can end up applying to pre-rolls in the future as the consensus among viewers and streamers seems to be that they’re the biggest issue ad-wise.