Twitch makes huge emote change to let streamers support artists

Twitch emotesTwitch

Twitch has introduced a major update for emotes that allows streamers to acknowledge the artists who created them.

Emotes can give each Twitch channel their own unique feel, and almost become a calling card of sorts for streamers’ unique communities.

Now, after a new update, broadcasters will finally be able to give credit and shoutout the artists who created these functional works of art.

Twitch adds huge emote update

Twitch emotesTwitch
Custom Twitch emotes are a huge part of streamers’ identities, but until, now artists haven’t been able to get recognized.

In an update on May 17, Twitch announced they are adding a way to credit the artist who created each individual emote, and a way to link to their Twitch profile, as well.

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Now, when you go to upload an emote, there’s an area where you can enter the Twitch name of the artist who made it. Once entered, that artist’s name will pop up along with all the other info.

The move seemed to be popular on Twitter as well, with emote artists celebrating the change as a definite positive.

Not only can artists be credited on the emotes info page, but there’s also a brand new Twitch badge that artists can add to their profile, indicating they made an emote for that streamer.

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Creating Twitch emotes can be a great source of revenue for artists as well, so this really is a win-win that will hopefully encourage more support for artists on the site.