Twitch launches shared ban list in an effort to make platform safer

twitch purple shield on white backgroundTwitch

Twitch has officially launched its shared ban information feature, allowing creators to share who they have banned on their channel with other streamers.

As Twitch has continued to gain popularity over the last few years, the Amazon-owned platform has had to deal with its fair share of issues.

The biggest of those issues has been hate raids that initially began happening en-mass last year, which led to creators boycotting the website for a day and calling for Twitch to “do better.”

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Since then, they’ve released a variety of features to combat harassment and make creators feel safer — with the latest one being the ability to share your list of banned viewers with other streamers.

Twitch launches shared ban info

Announced in a blog post on July 21, Twitch will now allow creators to share their list of banned viewers with all partners, affiliates, or just your close friends.

Over the last year, Twitch rolled out its ban evasion detection tool to help creators identify viewers who may be evading a ban from your channel.

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Their new ‘Shared Ban Info’ feature is an extension of that. Twitch streamers will now be able to share their list of viewers they have banned with other streamers. The company hopes that with this feature, creators can collaborate with other members of their community to help keep serial harassers away.

shared ban info twitchTwitch
Users can send and receive Shared Ban info requests through their dashboard.

There are a few ways to use Twitch’s new shared ban info feature. Through the shared ban info section of the creator dashboard, streamers can send and receive requests. It’s a two-way street, though — so if a creator accepts a request, both parties can see each other’s list.

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At launch, creators can share their information with up to 30 people at one time. By default, users in a shared ban info list will be set to restricted in your chat — meaning you and your mods are the only ones that can see their message.

Reactions to the feature have been extremely positive since it was announced.