Twitch community requests transgender tag to help find creators easily

Sharon McCutcheon,

Twitch users are rallying for a new tag on the platform specifically for its transgender broadcasters, an effort that has ramped up amid the divisive removal of its PogChamp emote.

Twitch is a hive for content of all sorts. From IRL streams to gaming broadcasts and even esports events, the platform boasts a wealth of entertainment for all audiences — but some viewers are asking the site for an easier way to connect with certain streamers.

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For some time now, transgender content creators have been petitioning the platform to create a tag specifically for transgender streamers. This effort seems to have ramped up as of late, as the site made a huge change by banning its PogChamp emote in early January.

Several broadcasters are rallying in support of the transgender tag, including streamer ‘Miabyte,’ whose tweet on the movement has garnered attention across social media.

Twitch users petition for trans tagTwitch
While Twitch currently boasts an LGBTQIA+ tag, some users are petitioning the site for a trans-specific tag.

“Hey Twitch, GG on removing PogChamp,” she wrote. “If y’all could give us a #Trans tag so we can find other transgender creators, that would make my 2021. And all the people replying to this tweet agree.”

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“Please stand behind trans creators on your platform,” she continued, noting that a specific tag for trans creators could help combat potential harassment and even “create bonds and communities to support one another.”

Allegedly, Twitch has previously claimed they were working toward such a tag. However, after two years of silence, those in the community are brainstorming their own ideas for the initiative.

It’s worth noting that Twitch does already boast an LGBTQIA+ tag on its website, but transgender broadcasters are hopeful for a tag that will specifically direct interested viewers to their content, specifically.

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Thus far, the movement has been met with ample support online, with many users noting that a transgender tag could help bring awareness to trans streamers and help bring viewers to their broadcasts.

This has similarly kicked off a conversation regarding other specific tags that do not yet exist on Twitch, such as a tag for differently-abled streamers. While the movement continues to gain steam, users are hopeful the platform will take action and listen to its community to create a more inclusive environment.

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