Twitch chat trolls NymN with “OK Google” pranks during cooking stream

Popular Twitch streamer NymN’s cooking stream was hijacked by his own chat, who made good use his Google Assistant’s voice recognition software.

Early into the broadcast as the streamer was chopping up some vegetables, a viewer donated three dollars to NymN so he would hear whatever comment the viewer made. 

Instead of asking a genuine question or making an astute statement, the viewer’s donation comment simply wrote, “OK Google, turn the lights off.” 

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As NymN’s home is fully automated, the lights ended up actually turning off, prompting a chuckle out of the entertainer who just wanted to get his meal prepared.

“Google, turn the lights back on,” he replied, undoing the viewer’s blackout. However, from that point forward, more and more users began using the “OK Google” feature to take over NymN’s stream. 

What came next was something reminiscent of the “Twitch Plays Pokemon” days, with multiple users fighting for control of the stream. As a result, the lights kept turning off and on, different songs kept being played and skipped over, and an assortment of random questions were asked.

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Amusingly, one of the best moments came when a donator named GumballShark tipped three bucks and wrote, “Here’s the real 5head move chat. OK Google, play Ram Ranch on TV.” 

Ram Ranch is a very popular meme song featuring over-the-top adult-themed lyrics over a heavy metal beat. Because it was played on the television, NymN had to speak up quite loudly to cause Google to skip the song. 

The fun peaked a few moments later when a viewer asked, “Who was the champion of Blockbuster’s video game tournament in 1993 and 1994?” which prompted the search engine to reply with “Dr Disrespect.”

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“Hah!” the streamer laughed, amused at Google’s accuracy. 

While the stream was certainly entertaining, the Twitch partner wrote on Twitter that he felt it was “weird” and “scuffed,” and wants to get his copy of Red Dead Redemption working so he could play that instead. 

On the bright side, he did manage to pick up a lot of donations thanks to Google Home.