Twitch channel streaming Morbius 24/7 banned after going viral

Morbius Twitch stream bannedSony/Twitch

Twitch has banned a bizarre new channel broadcasting the Sony super hero film ‘Morbius’ 24/7, but not before it went viral streaming for 12 hours straight.

Morbius has become one of the biggest meme movies of the year. The notorious bad super hero flick was panned by critics and fans alike, but somehow, it’s ended up becoming a bit of a cult classic.

Morbius’ status as a meme movie began prior to its release with lead actor Jared Leto being interviewed by Hololive’s Shirakami Fubuki in a strange VTuber crossover.

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Now, with memes about Morbius at an all-time high and fans adopting somewhat of a newfound love for the film, a Twitch account began streaming the movie nonstop.

Twitch bans 24/7 Morbius stream

Late on May 25, the Morbius247 stream channel began spreading on Twitter after being posted by Radstads.

The original post was retweeted over 10,000 times and received over 100,000 likes with many users confused over stream’s existence.

Hilariously, viewers kept tuning in and the stream itself ended up forming its own memes in the chat where fellow ‘Morbheads’ gathered.

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Screenshots of the stream show viewers reacting to the broadcast by posting comments such as “he’s Morbed out” and “it’s Morbin time.”

Eventually, there were 6,000 people tuning in with some users even suspecting Twitch admins were in chat watching as the stream only got banned once the movie ended.

It’s not surprising to see the channel banned given Twitch’s DMCA guidelines, but this is definitely one of the strangest broadcasts we’ve seen on the platform in quite sometime.

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