Twitch announces new policy for banning streamers to avoid confusion

Twitch giving more ban contextTwitch

Twitch is finally enacting a new policy that will help streamers who have been banned from the platform have a better idea of what they were suspended for.

Many streamers have been left shocked and confused after experiencing sudden bans, with no idea exactly why their accounts were hit with suspensions.

The vague descriptions of bannable offenses Twitch sends in emails alerting streamers of their ban were often met with criticism, as it would often be unclear at what point the alleged offensive conduct occurred.

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Now, the Amazon-owned platform is finally giving streamers more information regarding bans, letting them know the date and time their infraction took place.

“As of today, enforcement notifications sent to suspended users will include the name of the content and the date of the violation to ensure they have better clarity about what content is being actioned on,” Twitch announced on August 9.

Streamers react to new ban details

While the new details are certainly a welcome addition, many users on the platform accused Twitch of not doing enough and still providing limited info on the infraction itself.

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“Still haven’t learned or don’t give a sh*t about giving specific details what caused the suspension,” one user roared.

“We all know you don’t want us to fight back wrongful suspensions, so you intend to not give details of the suspension to the people being suspended even!”

Others believed that these details should have been implemented a long time ago, and were amazed that it took Twitch this long.

“This was the bare minimum that should’ve been implemented years ago, but nonetheless good for actually finally doing it,” streamer Zastela remarked.

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In any case, this should help some streamers narrow down the reason for their bans in certain situations, although plenty of users are still calling for further specificity in regards to suspensions, such as timestamps and clips.