Top 6 features TikTok needs to add

A note next to the TikTok logoUnsplash: AbsolutVision / TikTok

TikTok is regularly adding new features to the app as a way of making content creation and consumption easier for users. However, there are several coveted features that have yet to be added to the platform.

With the increasing amount of users on the app, the range of content on the platform is constantly growing and changing.

And with lots of people coming over from other platforms like Instagram, and making TikTok their main social media app for consuming content, the demand for various features that improve user experience is getting bigger.

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Here are some of the most requested features on TikTok.

Like section folders

TikTok contains a wealth of different types of content. While it used to be predominantly lip-syncing and dance videos, the platform has evolved into a hub for art, educational content, storytimes, recipes, and much more.

Most people’s first instinct when they come across a video they want to save for later is to hit the like button. All liked videos go into the same tab on your profile page, but this system lacks any way to separate the videos you’ve liked.

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Person holding a phonePexels: cottonbro
It can be hard to find all of your previously-liked videos on TikTok.

A folder system is one that has been requested by many users. Allowing people to separate their favorite content into their own folders would help them to easily track down the videos they’re looking for, without having to scroll through a practically endless list of every video they’ve ever liked.

Rewind / Skip function

While TikTok currently is a short-form content platform, 60 seconds can feel like a long time when you missed the start of a video and are waiting for the TikTok to start over.

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You are currently only able to pause and play a video on the app, but the addition of a video progress bar, or potentially skip & and restart buttons will remove the frustration of waiting.

It would also mean that for longer content, or trends where there is a long waiting time at the start, viewers would be able to jump to the relevant part of the video, rather than just scrolling past the video because they don’t want to wait.

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The TikTok logo on a black screenTikTok
TikTok has become a hub for all sorts of viral trends.

Profile navigation

The recent addition of playlists for selected creators is already proving to be a useful feature when it comes to navigation content from one particular creator. TikTokers can create playlists for different series or categories, making it easier for viewers to find out more if they come across the creator on their For You Page.

However, the addition of a date-based scroll function on everyone’s profile could make tracking and exploring content a lot easier.

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Currently, people are required to manually scroll through profile pages from most to least recent. The addition of a scroller that shows the date, along with a sort function would allow users to go right back to the start of their own, or others’ content, or jump to a specific point in time.

Filter search in video editor

TikTok is famed for its range of bizarre and fun filters, with plenty of them managing to prompt trends and go viral on the app. More and more are being added to the app each day, but with so many filters, it can be hard to find the exact one you’re looking for.

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TikTok filtersTikTok: bayokm/ TikTok: justsammorris/ TikTok: georgenotfound
There are countless popular filters on TikTok.

Currently, searching the name of the filter on the discovery page can bring up a shortcut to the effect, but many are looking for a way to access specific filters easily from the video editor itself.

Filters are organized generally into categories in the editor, but the edition of a search bar would allow users to more easily access the filter they have in mind, instead of scrolling through small icons.

View all Stitches/Duets for a certain video

One of TikToks biggest trends involves users asking viewers a question about topics like their most embarrassing story, celebrities they’ve met, or other interesting questions.

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People can respond to the video by either doing a Stitch or a Duet, and these often end up going viral in their own right.

However, there is currently not a simple way to see all of the Duets and Stitches for one video in particular. A function like this would allow people to scroll through all the responses to certain questions or trends in one go, rather than waiting for them to appear on their FYP.

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At the moment, people have to scroll through TikTok manually by swiping, with the videos playing on repeat until the user scrolls on. Though there are some people who would prefer to prop up their phone whilst doing something else, and let their For You Page scroll automatically.

The feature could put an end to the issue of putting your phone down momentarily, and having to listen to the same TikTok on repeat until you can go back to your phone and scroll again.

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This is something that has been asked for by many TikTok users, who want an optional auto-scroll feature to make their viewing experience more enjoyable.

TikTok is always testing new features, and it may be that some of the above are already in the works, but whether any of these frequently requested features will be added properly to the app remains to be seen.