TikToker reveals how to spot when you’re being love-bombed

TikToker reveals how to spot when you're being love-bombedTikTok: wanderlusqt

A TikToker has shared what exactly love-bombing entails to help others “realize if it is happening to you and know when to get out.”

You’ve just met someone new and all seems to be going well — in fact, maybe too well. Your new partner sends you countless compliments, expensive gifts, and messages filled with promises, but how do you know if it’s love or love-bombing?

Luckily, one TikToker has come to the rescue in hopes of teaching others how to recognize the manipulative dating tactic.

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Relationship expert Natalie Louise, who goes by ‘wanderlusqt’ on TikTok, posted a video on how exactly love-bombing works and how to recognize when it’s being used on you.

“This is how you manipulate someone by love-bombing them. Do not use this strategy on anyone,” Natalie began. “I’m only telling you this so that you can become aware.”

Using her own personal experience of being love-bombed, Natalie listed the various stages of the manipulation tactic… starting with “the date.” This stage is when the person “wines and dines” you in order to figure out what you are looking for so that they can “shapeshift into that partner.”

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“It’s twisted,” Natalie said, explaining that the next stage of love-bombing involves luxurious gifts. “These gifts are all things that you’re like, ‘Oh my gosh, how did they know that I would want this’.”

This helps to establish trust and make you comfortable, which is when the person love-bombing begins to act “hot and cold.” Natalie said, “Now that they know, ‘Well, I have you wrapped around my finger.’ That’s when they’re like, ‘I’m gonna use you now and see if this works.’”

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How to spot love-bombingTikTok: wanderlusqt
Natalie warned not to follow the steps mentioned in her video.

Viewers shared their own experiences with love-bombing in the comments of Natalie’s video, expressing gratitude for her efforts to help others avoid the same.

“I didn’t realize it when it happened. If they’re overly complimentary, just run,” one person wrote. Another said, “My ex did exactly this to me. Came [back] recently, then out of nowhere cut me off. [It] confused me but I’m done and it’s boring me now.”

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