TikToker Motmcody goes viral for exposing “Curbside Karen” over driveway argument

Motmcody TikTok Cody Salazar 'Karen'TikTok: motmcody

TikToker Cody Salazar (@motmcody) has gone viral on August 24 for posting an exposé of his very own “Curbside Karen,” which has already accrued over a million views. 

‘Karen’ videos have become an entire sub-genre in their own right. On August 10, another culprit went viral on TikTok for complaining about a homeowner’s Tigger flag. Later, on August 17, a “Gym Karen” exploded onto the platform after filming herself scolding fellow gym members.

TikTok viewers flocked in their thousands to watch the latest ‘Karen’ drama on August 24. Cody, who usually posts gaming content and vlogs, recorded his neighbor reprimanding him for parking on her driveway.

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In the video, ‘Karen’ and her accomplice maintained that they “own the street,” while Cody branded them “embarrassing.”

Cody addressed his neighbor initially by asking “is there a problem?” The woman then responded by saying “you can record me, I don’t give a f**k.” She repeatedly told the TikToker to “shut up” after he questioned what the “issue” was.

He insisted that his parking was “legal” and challenged her to “call a tow truck, call the cops.” Cody then revealed that a “sheriff came” to the house, although he didn’t specify which party called him. ‘Karen’ was then told to “move her car.”

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In a final video (also posted on August 24), the TikToker told viewers that his “petty” neighbor “got back into her car” and “backed up” after the police left.

TikToker Motmcody goes viral for exposing 'Karen'TikTok viewers grabbed their popcorn to watch the drama unfold

Fans lived for the drama

Cody’s viewers turned to the comments for more chaos. User Janet (jguzman721) encouraged the TikToker to “tow it! Tow it! Tow it!” Another user simply said, “I’d be embarrassed if that was my mom.”

User AJ Sanchez coined the name “Curbside Karen,” which won approval from Cody himself. “I think this is the one bro,” he said.

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Others defended the neighbor after the TikToker branded her a “nutcase.” One viewer said, “it’s an unwritten rule not to park in front of someone’s house,” calling it “common courtesy.”

Check out Cody’s TikTok for more ‘Karen’ drama!