TikToker Kat Clark issues apology for “tone deaf” tourist video

TikToker Kat Clark apologizes for tone deaf NYC vlogTikTok: katclark86

Australian TikToker Kat Clark has issued an apology after fans took issue with her vlog detailing her trip to New York City, with some commenters calling it “tone deaf.”

Kat Clark is a relatively popular TikToker from Australia, boasting over 3 million followers on the viral video app. Clark often chronicles her travels with her family for her viewers, with their latest getaway taking place in New York City.

In the short vlog, Clark and fam stayed at late rapper Biggie Small’s previous residence in Brooklyn and wanted to get the authentic New York experience… but not everyone was impressed with how they handled their trip.

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During their stay, Clark notably filmed a community of Hasidic Jewish people walking down the street and asked: “Why are so many people wearing these wigs?” seemingly referring to Shtreimels, hats that are traditionally worn by Hasidic Jewish men.

On top of this, many viewers expressed disdain for how Clark described The Big Apple.

TikToker under fire for “offensive” comments during New York trip

“Not many tourists would choose this destination, but we want to experience the real New York,” Clark said in her video, using footage of food spilled on the ground outside.

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Clark also called a nearby pizzeria a “dodgy little pizza joint” and pointed out how there were “two police officers at every intersection, people selling trees and other supplies, hairdressers, and homeless people everywhere.”

Commenters took issue with how Clark described the city, as well as her question regarding the Jewish community she filmed in her video, calling her words “insulting” and “tone deaf.”

“This is so tone deaf,” one user wrote.

“People aren’t a side show,” another said.

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“Imagine someone else just brushing off something about your religion like you just did,” another pointed out. “You could hurt someone’s feelings. It’s not hard to ask.”

TikTok comments Kat Clark vlog copyTikTok: katclark86

TikToker apologizes to Jewish community for “tone deaf” tourist video

Clark has since posted an apology video addressing the backlash on her travel vlog, claiming that she received a slew of negative comments only after she’d left the city to travel back to AUS — including one that purportedly said, “If I ever see you walking the streets of New York, Imma beat your a** like your ex.”

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“I’m here to tell you that I have never seen a Shtreimel before,” Clark explained. “I have lived in Australia my whole life. …I have never seen anyone walking the streets with a Shtreimel before.”

“Firstly, I wanna say sorry to anyone who was offended by my question,” she continued. “That wasn’t my intention. I was just making an observation, and I truly didn’t know what it was.”

Comments beneath Clark’s apology video are relatively positive, with many claiming they also had never seen a Shtreimel until her NYC travel vlog.

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Since then, Clark has continued to upload other videos of her time in New York with her family, all of which have, comparatively, been well-received by fans.