TikToker goes viral after giving girlfriend’s sick goldfish a lifejacket

Screenshot of goldfish in swimming tank wearing lifejacketTikTok: AidanCramer

A TikToker has gone viral after he made a custom lifejacket for his girlfriend’s 23-year-old goldfish to help it get back to swimming. 

As TikTok has expanded beyond just being a platform for creatives and artists to show off their skills and work, it covers pretty much every corner of the internet now. 

Naturally, that includes tricks, tips, and lifehacks that can help people in different situations – with some of the best being about getting takeaways for cheaper, getting multiple popsicles from just one, and making food prep a little easier

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Though, in the case of AidanCramer, he had a different sort of lifehack for his girlfriend’s goldfish as it was struggling to swim. So, he constructed a custom lifejacket. 

TikToker’s lifejacket for goldfish goes viral as users love it

That’s right, Aidan has gone viral on TikTok, with his video getting well over 6 million views since being uploaded on March 12.

In the short clip, the TikToker showed how Sally, the 23-year-old goldfish, was having a tough time swimming, so he combined a piece of string and a cork to make a lifejacket. As a result, the goldfish went back to paddling around as normal. 

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The clip captured the attention, with viewers loving how things played out. “I love that you did this for her,” said one. “It’s a floatie for a fishy!” added another. 

Some suggested that the TikToker could have fed it a pea to help out, but he responded to that in a follow-up video by saying they’d already tried that and it hadn’t worked – even though it does usually. So, he had to get a little more creative. 

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The Goldfish is back on its feet – or should that be fins? – and back in its normal tank after a spell in a holding tank to get looked after.