TikToker goes viral after complaining about getting free pizzas

TikToker goes viral complaining about free pizzabrooke_wadee | TikTok

A woman received substantially more pizza than she bargained for when ordering from a pizza place, to the point where she wasn’t sure what to do with all of it and seemed frustrated. Commenters, meanwhile, were wondering why she was complaining about getting so much free food.

Mistakes happen with food delivery. Even the best restaurants mess up at times, not to mention the situation where a driver gets orders mixed up and gives you the wrong food. Not to mention the rare instances where a driver purposely runs with the order.

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There are a lot of ways in which someone can be missing food they ordered, or even getting the wrong order entirely. As such, it’s only natural for restaurants to have systems in place to keep customers happy if something does get messed up. Usually, those systems involve giving out some free food.

However, one TikToker got so much pizza out of one order getting mixed up that she wasn’t even sure what to do with all of it, to the point where she complained about it. People across social media were dumbfounded by her response.

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TikToker sparks controversy by complaining about free pizza

TikToker Brooke Wade had her only video explode after showing off just how much free pizza she got as a result of receiving the wrong order, then the right order, then the right order again, and a gift card for more free pizza on top of that.

She had so much pizza that her entire counter was covered with pizza boxes.

Aside from many thinking her dog is the star of the show (and joking that he’s the perpetrator behind her receiving the “wrong” order), her response has some people divided.

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“You gave me my new order, and my old order, and someone else’s order when it’s just me and the dog. I don’t know what to do with all this food.” she claimed.

Some of those on TikTok claimed she should just freeze anything she has leftover, a plan she agreed with in the comments. Meanwhile, others felt she should just take what comes her way and didn’t see what the problem was.

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“In this economy, what do you mean you don’t know what to do with all that food?! Enjoy it,” one person commented.

Others were wondering why they couldn’t be the ones to be graces with free pizza, to the point where this conversation spread to other social media.

“There are people that would win the lottery and immediately complain about the taxes. This person is right up there,” they joked, followed by holding a poll for what they would’ve done with the pizza.

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Ultimately, it seems people agree that Brooke’s dog is the real winner here regardless of their opinion on her enthusiasm (or lack therof) about getting free pizzas. At least he’ll be eating good.