TikTok ‘time traveler’ from 2027 goes viral with eerie “proof” videos

Image of an empty street next to a personTikTok: unicosobreviviente

A TikToker is going viral after claiming they’re a time traveler from the year 2027 in which they are the sole human survivor, posting eerie videos of empty streets as ‘proof.’

TikTok has seen its fair share of viral content over the years, with some videos being more bizarre than others. Although some users get famous on the app for their dancing or lip-syncing skills, others have gone viral for very different reasons.

One strange trend that continues to crop up is ‘time traveler’ accounts. This has included a number of different people who claim to be from either the near or distant future, who post rather specific predictions for events that will happen in the future or show videos as ‘proof’ of what it looks like.

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While some make it clear they’re doing it as a joke or for a narrative game, others appear to present their accounts as though they’re the real deal.

TikTok logo in front of an eclipseUnsplash: Matthew Schwartz / TikTok
There are several ‘time travelers’ that have built followings on TikTok

User ‘unicosobreviviente’ or ‘lone survivor’ is a TikToker claiming to be from the year 2027, in which they are the last person left on a deserted Earth.

The verified user has over 6.5 million followers, which he’s garnered from posting videos of apparently abandoned places to prove that he is the last human left in 2027.

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From empty streets to vacant hotels, this user is getting hundreds and thousands of likes and views for the clips.

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However, people are not convinced that it’s real, and have been flooding the videos with comments challenging the claims made about the future.

“If you’re the last human on Earth then why are the traffic lights still on? How is there still electricity?” one user questioned. Another wrote: “My garden gets overgrown in less than a week but all the landscaping here remains perfect with no tending…”

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Many have been asking them to go live on either TikTok or Instagram to give definitive proof, but others have already made up their minds about whether it’s real or fake.