TikTok star Sabrina Quesada explains why she’s “not ashamed” of plastic surgery

Sabrina Quesada taking a mirror selfieInstagram: sabriquesada

TikToker Sabrina Quesada has said that she’s “not ashamed” of the plastic surgery she’s had done, after social media star Valeria Arguelles appeared to shade the work she’d had done.

While TikTok has been a great platform for boosting a variety of talent and spreading their name across the internet, the sheer amount of users on the app and the growing number of creators also comes with its drawbacks.

Many creators often find themselves being compared to others, and with the camera on them every day, they are left open to criticism from haters.

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Not a Content House’s Sabrina Quesada and social media star Valeria Arguelles are two stars who have been compared to each other on multiple occasions on social media, as was shown by a comment a user left under one of Valeria’s TikToks.

Valeria Arguelles poses in front of a carInstagram: valeriaarguelles
Valeria Arguelles and Sabrina are often compared.

“Sab was right when she said Valeria was copying her,” they wrote. Valeria herself replied to the comment by saying, “my eyes are real, my lips are real, my hair is real. I don’t copy anyone. Don’t get it twisted please.”

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After this was posted to popular Instagram tea page ‘tiktokroom’ another fan commenter wrote, “not her shaming someone for getting plastic surgery,” to which Valeria then replied, “I got surgery too lmao, no shame here.”

Sabrina then posted on her Instagram story to clear up the situation regarding her own surgery. “I have never lied about anything I’ve gotten done, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m a more confident person in my own skin now.”

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Screenshot from Sabrina Quesada's Instagram story

Continuing, she said, “there is no shame in surgery or doing something for yourself to make YOU happy. I love you guys and you’re all beautiful.”

She then posted a picture of herself, explaining to fans exactly what work she’s had done. “This is me now. To make it clear, I have had a nose job, lip fillers, and I have extensions in my hair.”

Screenshot from Sabrina Quesada's Instagram story

However, not every fan was taking sides, with one user posting a comment that read “Bruh this sh*t is so childish. All these comments, ‘Sab is copying Val,’ ‘Val is copying Sab.’ Literally MILLIONS of people have blonde hair/extensions, get lip filler, and wear colored contacts… Does that mean they are both copying every other b**ch with those things?”

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It’s clear that some fans are ready to be done with the constant comparisons between social media stars.