TikTok star Charli D’Amelio reveals how she handles online hate

Charli D'Amelio, YouTube

Charli D’Amelio is one of the net’s fastest-rising stars, reaching the number one spot on TikTok at just fifteen years old — but online fame can have some serious downsides.

Despite becoming TikTok’s most popular content creator with over 41.4 million followers, having such a massive audience also means being placed under intense scrutiny by critics and trolls.

Although she’s seen huge success on all social media platforms, the star opened up about the huge amount of hate she’s received online when a fan asked her about the issue, shortly after she took TikTok’s top spot on March 25.

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Charli D'Amelio, Instagram
TikTok star Charli D’Amelio isn’t immune to trolls and haters, despite rising to the number one spot on the video platform.

According to D’Amelio, the hate she’s received since becoming internet famous caused her to lose all self-esteem, and even made her cry when she’d try to dance for a video.

“Honestly, it hurts really bad,” she admitted. “I lost all of my confidence in myself. I didn’t want to look in the mirror and I would cry when i started dancing, because everyone was telling me how horrible I was. But I realized dance is my safe place — no one can take that from me.”

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Luckily, the TikTok sensation has found a way to overcome negative attention online, claiming that she’s able to focus on her life outside of content creation without allowing critics’ opinions to control her emotions.

“It still hurts really bad when I see people saying mean things to me or about me, but I feel like I have gotten better, and focusing on other parts of my life instead of letting what other people say control me.”

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This isn’t the first time D’Amelio has opened up about such matters, either; the star revealed the shocking hate she’s received from fans in-person, and even admitted that old acquaintances have accused her of dropping them after becoming famous.

“Some people will try and go live and try to talk bad about me,” she claimed. “Try to make me look like a person I’m not, in a bad way. It’s weird seeing how people switch up. Or people will say, ‘You cut me off, you stopped talking to me.’ We haven’t been friends for four years!”

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(Topic begins at 2:45 for mobile readers)

In spite of the trolls and haters, D’Amelio continues to see success — and there’s no telling where her career will take her, next.