TikTok 0 followers glitch: Fix for account bug as profiles show no followers

TikTok logo and an account with 0 followersTikTok

TikTok users have been re-encountering a strange bug that resets their follower count all the way back down to zero, but there’s no need to worry about all those lost followers.

Just like with any other social media platform, building up a following on TikTok can take a lot of hard work and impressive videos.

However, a strange bug reset a lot of follower counts back down to zero, leaving some users worried about the future of their accounts, especially as some had to keep re-entering their date of birth. 

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TikTok continues to be a massive success.

Why did TikTok unfollow everyone?

The strange glitch has appeared multiple times in the past few years, and it wasn’t long before users were calling on TikTok to address what had happened to their followers.

“Either all my TikTok followers decided to hate me all at once or something happened where I’m back at zero,” wrote one TikToker. “It says I have zero followers but my fyp says I still have my mutuals and stuff?” questioned another. 

Others thought they’d been banned, especially after TikTok was asking for them to repeatedly enter their date of birth each time they opened the app. However, that wasn’t the case.

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How to fix TikTok 0 followers bug

TikTok are on the case after multiple users reported glitches or the app being downed in its entirety.

Back in May 2021, TikTok addressed the problem soon after the glitch started popping up. They explained they had resolved the issue at the time, but it seems to still be happening again from time to time.

While the glitch might be persistent, it seems that it is not going to have a permanent effect on your account, and it’s likely that the TikTok team is already working to fix the issue.

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If you’re still experiencing the bug, there’s really nothing you can do for now. It’s all on TikTok’s side and seeing as they’ve fixed it once, it shouldn’t be hard to sort out again.

We’ll just have to wait and see if they can root the problem out for good, or if it’ll continue to crop up.

If you want to learn more about how to use TikTok, check out our other guides including how to find contacts on TikTok and how to use TikTok Stories.