This streamer has been live on Twitch for a year and has no plans on stopping

GPHustla has been live on twitch for over one yearTwitch/GPHustla

In an era of subathons and streaming spectacles, one streamer has managed to slip under the radar with the longest broadcast of all time: one full year and counting. His name is GPHustla.

GPHustla first began his 24/7 365 journey on August 15, 2020 by complete accident. As Dexerto first reported, it all began with a 24 hour stream that kept growing. From 48 hours live to eventually 500 and now a full year.

And he has no plans on stopping. Despite reaching the one-year milestone, the streamer has his sights set on going another year straight and plans to make the next year even better for his fans.

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“I will not be ending the 24/7 experience. I want to continue to upgrade it, and add new experiences to it,” he explained. “Eventually I also want to start a content house with a few others and try that for a year. The current goal is 1000 days straight.”

Despite being live 24/7, GPHustla’s life isn’t as out of control as some may expect. If he needs to go out, he’ll transition to an IRL stream and when he’s inside, he’ll be playing games, watching videos and hanging out with viewers. In fact, you could even say he feels better than ever.

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“I want to let everyone know that first and foremost my mental and physical health are taken care of and if they were ever threatened, I would stop this immediately,” he revealed.

“I truly am happy doing this and I like to think I do it for more than myself. There are lots of people that tell me I inspire them every time they check the stream and I’m still live. I know plenty of people that wish they could do this and I know people that never got the chance, so I do it for all of us. Life is short and I don’t need much to be happy.”

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GPHustla celebrates one year on twitchTwitch/GPHustla
GPHustla was live for a full year on Twitch.

Of course, streaming non-stop can have some issues, such as power consumption or blackouts out of his control. Luckily, these hiccups have only emerged a few times and he was able to keep the stream going.

“At this point right now, I basically use my phone as my backup device and live stream from there if I have a power issue or internet issue,” he said. “I’ve been lucky and only had to deal with that a few times, but it did not stop the 24/7 live. I plan on adding a backup generator and UPS battery system in the future.”

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The past year has also seen some tremendous growth for the streamer as he continues his rise to fame, including some impressive hosts from some top Twitch names such as Germany’s MontanaBlack.

“International articles have brought me global recognition and some of the biggest names on the platform have shouted me out multiple times including Ludwig, MoistCr1tikal, and many more,” he proudly stated. “I still believe there is a major portion of the platform that hasn’t heard about the 24/7 stream but that only makes me want to work harder.”

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As for when the time comes to call it quits, GPHustla doesn’t believe converting back into a non-streaming routine would be challenging at all.

“It’s a simple process of just shutting this all down. That being said I do feel like it might take a while before I stop talking to myself and the non-existent chat,” he joked.