This Alt TikTok quiz will tell you which side of TikTok you’re on

TikTok / Kon Karampelas

While TikTok has absolutely blown up thanks to stars such as Charli D’Amelio and Addison Rae, users have realized that there are two very different sides to the platform… But what are the differences between ‘Alt TikTok’ and ‘Straight TikTok’?

The different sides of TikTok essentially boil down to the For You page, in which the platform caters the content specifically to every individual.

For example, Charli D’Amelio fans are more likely to see videos of top stars dancing and lip-syncing, while gamers might see popular game clips or popular gaming personalities on their For You page.

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Instagram: charlidamelio
Charli D’Amelio is the type of creator you’re going to see on straight TikTok.

Now, this is where users have started to split their peers, introducing Alt TikTok and Straight TikTok.

This won’t make much sense to you though, so let’s take a look at what exactly the two sides of the platform are, but it’s worth noting the app doesn’t really separate users in this way – it’s simply arbitrary titles that users have come up with by themselves.

What is Alt TikTok?

Alt TikTok is essentially alternative TikTok or, to put it more bluntly, the slightly stranger side of the app.

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While users on Straight TikTok will mostly see the super-popular creators that we’re used to seeing in the headlines, Alt TikTok is based on strange, often funny videos, with obscure jokes and memes that haven’t quite broken the mainstream yet.

How to take the Alt TikTok quiz

Fortunately, you can easily access and take the Alt TikTok quiz on quotev. While the quiz itself isn’t extensive, with just eight questions, it can help give you a better indication of what side of TikTok you’re on.

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Instagram: swayla
You won’t see much of the Sway House on Alt TikTok.

Obviously, we wouldn’t suggest putting too much stock into the results of the quiz and, after all, what you like is what you like. If you’re stuck hunting for Alt TikTok, you’re likely not going to be a fan of that side of the app anyway, and there’s no shame in that.

That said, it’s a bit of fun and it might help you realize that those strange videos you love on TikTok might not be that strange after all, and there’s plenty like you – but you’re all on Alt TikTok.

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