The TikToker going viral for sounding just like a car | mrcarsounds


TikTok star ‘mrcarsounds’ is famous for his uncanny ability to sound exactly like a wide variety of vehicles — and he wants to take his talents to major video games.

Quite a few people can brag about having a secret talent, but TikTok star Greg Gevojanyan’s special ability is nothing short of jaw-dropping.

Rather than being able to juggle or do a handstand, Gevojanyan — known online as ‘mrcarsounds’ — can sound like just about any car, truck, or motorcycle on the market.

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We spoke with the internet star in an exclusive interview, where he took us through his process of imitating the sounds of supercars and how his secret talent made him unusually famous.

Click here to watch the full interview.

TikTok celebrity sounds exactly like a car

22-year-old Greg Gevojanyan boasts over 4 million followers on TikTok, where he uploads videos of himself imitating the noises of a variety of vehicles. To help make his imitations sound more realistic, the influencer will often employ tools like a paper towel roll, a crushed soda can, or even a sign for a men’s bathroom.

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His imitations are so spot-on that they often leave viewers completely gobsmacked, garnering hundreds of thousands and even millions of views per upload. According to Greg, he’s making $100,000 a year just from his videos on social media.

Greg says that he was inspired to start his TikTok account after one of his friends went viral trying to break the world record for coke and mentos. After uploading his video imitating car sound, he said the upload racked up over 300K views “overnight” — and it’s been off to the races ever since then.

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Perfect pitch helps mrcarsounds achieve perfect auto imitations

Greg says that his special talent is largely owed to his background in music… in particular, the fact that he possesses ‘perfect pitch.’ Greg is also able to produce multiple notes at one time, allowing him to reproduce the harmonics of a car engine with stunning accuracy.

“I’m a musician at heart,” he told us. “I was sitting in band class in sixth grade. Mrs. Kim… said Greg, you have an ability called ‘perfect pitch.’ You can identify sounds from hearing them.”

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“There is, of course, a lot of practice involved. The fundamentals of it come from basics in music theory and understanding sound harmonics. If I hear a car go by, I can hear the interval, which is comprised of two or more notes, and try to replicate that same sound with my mouth.”

A childhood “obsessed with cars” leads to internet fame

Greg says he was “very obsessed with cars” as a child, claiming his entire room was always covered in an expansive collection of Hot Wheels figures.

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“The reason why I love cars — it’s like eating mom’s cooking,” he said. “It makes you feel safe. I grew up with Hot Wheels, I grew up in my dad’s shop. I grew up with this car — it was my first car. I got this car when I was 10 years old. It gives me the same nostalgic feeling.”

Greg is so obsessed with cars that he’ll even go to Fast and Furious-style car meets with other enthusiasts. In fact, Greg went viral at one such meetup for taking over a microphone and imitating the sounds of cars at the event.

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Mrcarsounds wants to lend his voice to racing games like Forza

But Greg wants to do more with his skills than be famous online. In fact, Greg says he hopes to lend his voice to sound effects in major video games like the Forza series, saying he’s already “had some surface-level conversation with the Forza team.”

“Working with Gran Turismo, even for fun, or putting my voice in the games for DLC,” are the goals he has for the future, calling his particular skill set “automotive voice acting.”

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Thanks to his talents, Greg has accrued over 4 million followers — almost twice the amount of people in his home country, Armenia. It’s clear that there’s a huge audience for his content… and perhaps there’ll be even bigger opportunities for him to