The Completionist returns to Twitch for a “new beginning” following charity fallout

The Completionist returnsThe Completionist | YouTube

The Completionist has returned to content creation following a massive scandal in which he was accused of charity fraud. In a now-deleted Twitch stream, he outlined his plans going forward.

In November 2023, popular YouTuber and Twitch streamer The Completionist was embroiled in controversy after investigative reports from fellow creators Karl Jobst and Mutahar alleged he had committed charity fraud.

Jobst and Mutahar’s claims extended to accusations that The completionist withheld over $600,000 in donations to the IndieLand charity stream and even failed to report other income. After apologizing, The Completionist threatened legal action against his accusers before they released damning audio of the streamer begging not to be exposed.

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A little over two weeks after the most recent update in the saga, The Completionist has returned to Twitch. Despite the stream being deleted, archived footage was posted to The Completionist’s Subreddit where he briefly addressed the controversy and announced plans to continue creating content.

During the stream, The Completionist revealed that he was forced to lay off a large portion of the staff for his company That One Video Gamer (TOVG). “TOVG as a company has downsized significantly. I decided to basically close up shop for a majority of the team,” he explained.

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“There’s still a team that’s with me but it’s much, much, much smaller, and now individuals are looking for jobs,” he continued. Following this, The Completionist went over the decision to return to content creation.

“I’m rebuilding, that’s what it is and if people don’t like me and don’t want me to be around, that’s okay. I’m sure some folks do,” he argued. Despite returning to the public The Completionist mentioned that he would refrain from going into detail about the charity fraud controversy.

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He briefly insinuated that there were legal reasons that were preventing him from discussing the matter further. “At this time I’m not gonna talk about anything going forward just because of the fact that there’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that I can’t talk about.”

karl-jobst-challenges-completionist-to-sue-charity-drama-2YouTube: Karl Jobst
Karl Jobst decried The Completionist’s initial apology and legal threats as “sickening”.

When queried by his chat about whether or not they would get any answers from him related to the charity fraud allegations, The Completionist alluded to the potential of more discussion about the topic. However, he also expressed that he wanted to “move on from it”.

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“One day I’m sure I’ll provide more concrete receipts and clear things up but as of right now I’m just dropping it where it is,” he finished.