Teacher who posts on TikTok gets put on leave after ‘thirst trap’ posts

TikTok Teacher on leave after 'thirst trap' complaintsTikTok: xiivn/Unsplash: @solenfeyissa

Christian ‘xiivn’ Shearhod revealed that he has been placed on leave from his teaching job after being accused of posting ‘thirst traps’ on TikTok. 

While some TikTokers upload videos as their full-time job, sometimes creators continue to maintain their ‘offline’ careers to make sure they have a stable source of income — no matter how popular they are on social media.

However, if creators make known what their careers are, unfortunately, it opens up the ability for people to call into their job to complain about what they’re uploading to the short-form video platform.

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‘Thirst traps’ is one of the types of content that can garner complaints, as they are ‘sexy’ or ‘flirty’ messages posted on social media — like if someone with muscular torso posts a series of shirtless videos. Many users may deem it ‘inappropriate’ for someone that’s in a teaching position, for example.

xiivn placed on leave for posting ‘thirst traps’

Christian Shearhod, who goes by the name ‘xiivn’ on TikTok, was one of those creators until June 8, 2022, when he revealed to his 572,000 followers that he has been placed on leave from his teaching job for posting ‘thirst traps.’

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On June 8, Shearhod uploaded a video showing him sitting outside of the school’s human resources department with the caption “darn Karens.”

It quickly gained traction with his fans, who took to the comments worried about why the teacher was there.

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Just a few hours later, Christian revealed that he was placed on leave from his teaching job, meaning the TikToker has been given a break from teaching due to the content he uploads.

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He said: “So most of you know that I’m a teacher and I make these TikToks to have fun, connect with students, and other teachers, promote healthiness and be a good father. Well, some people, no matter what you do, aren’t gonna like you. You can say the truest thing to you like ‘The sky is blue,’ and people are going to call you a liar.

“I had some people call into HR and complain. Now, I’m on leave. It sucks because I’m not going to be able to say goodbye to the students I love and care for, but I know they’re awesome and will do great things regardless.”

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In the day since he uploaded the video, it has amassed almost 500k views with an insane 1,700 comments from fans.

It’s unknown whether or not his leave will be permanent, but we’ll update you if he releases any more information. In the meantime, head over here to check out more TikTok news and the latest viral trends.