Sway House respond to allegations of steroid use

Sway House addresses rumors of alleged steroid useYouTube: Josh Richards

Popular TikTok group ‘Sway House’ has long been under public scrutiny for their physical appearance, with many critics accusing the influencers of using steroids to achieve their gains — and now, the entire group has spoken out about the rumors.

The Sway House is comprised of a slew of top-tier content creators, including the likes of Bryce Hall, Josh Richards, Griffin Johnson, and Blake Gray, who boast millions of followers between them across multiple social media platforms.

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On February 23, the group got together to address popular rumors and speculation about them, using questions specifically provided by their own fans via Twitter.

One of the more popular assumptions about these TikTokers has been spread around many times before, which claims that the group collectively takes steroids and other such enhancers to boost their workout results.


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While Bryce Hall has admitted to steroid use before, the entire group had yet to speak on the issue as a whole, which came up during their February “assumptions” video.

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“I guess I can’t really say anything on this one,” Hall laughed.

“Griffin takes like, fake steroids though,” Richards joked. “He’s not even a full committer!”

“Oh yeah, he gets ‘test boosters,’” Hall replied. “Just shoot it up in the butt!”

“Dude, I literally only take vitamins!” Griffin retorted. “They help increase your natural testosterone levels!”

(Topic begins at 3:00)

The jokes against Griffin come as a humorous turn of the tables, after Tayler Holder grilled Bryce Hall about his own purported steroid use in December. During their humorous Q & A session, Hall did admit that he had used steroids in the past, but had since gone back to being “all natty.”

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“Yes, I did,” Hall laughed. “So do so many other people, so f**k you guys! More plates, more dates. You guys were correct!”

“Let me tell you, I’m not encouraging any of my viewers to do it,” he added. “I just wanted to get big. I’m off now, I’m all natty now. Fully.”

(Topic starts at 1:50)

While the accusations of steroid use among the rest of the group remain as mere allegations, it’s important for fans to remember that their favorite influencers likely have a slew of resources at their disposal to obtain such bodies, and that being completely shredded isn’t a totally realistic body goal to set for everyone.

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