Streamer Asian Bunny in tears after 7th Twitch ban and claims they intentionally did it at Christmas

asianbunnyTwitch: asianbunnyx

Twitch streamer Asian Bunny (asianbunnyx) has uploaded a tearful response to her latest ban – her fourth in less than two months – claiming that someone at the platform banned her deliberately before Christmas so her appeal would not be seen.

Asian Bunny is a popular streamer with over 700,000 followers on Twitch, and lately has been averaging more than 10,000 viewers.

She is one of the streamers participating in the so-called ‘topless meta’ – where the streamer is supposedly bare-chested, but positions the shot to not reveal too much.

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Asianbunnyx was banned for a fourth time this year on December 23, and has since responded, believing that a staff member at the platform deliberately timed the ban so that her appeal would not be seen over Christmas.

Asian Bunny accuses Twitch of unfair treatment

In a post on X/Twitter, the streamer said, “Instead of banning me on the same day that jenfox and [Morgpie] got banned so they didn’t have to unban me the same day after, someone working at Twitch decided that they’re going to ban me right on the afternoon of Friday / start of holiday weekend.”

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She claims that this was done so “that no staff was going to look at the appeals until after Christmas.”

“Someone KNOWINGLY did this. Because there’s way WAY worse offenses/violations happening LIVE on Twitch right now than the trivial mistake they have decided to ban me for,” Asian Bunny continued.

In a tearful video attached to the post, she explained that she had told her parents she wouldn’t see them for Christmas, as she needed the revenue she makes from Twitch to pay for her house and taxes.

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“And now I don’t have the opportunity to work, because somebody decided that what I did was wrong, and it was wrong enough to basically throw my entire career away.”

Notably, it is possible that asianbunnyx’s account has been indefinitely banned, rather than temporarily. Her channel states, “This channel is currently unavailable due to a violation of Twitch’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.”

This is different to temporary bans, which instead say “This channel is temporarily unavailable”, instead of ‘currently’. For example, channels such as Adin Ross and Dr Disrespect, which are permanently banned, say “currently unavailable”, not “temporarily unavailable.”

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Other recently banned streamers, like Boogie2988, also have “temporarily unavailable” on their channel, indicating their ban will not be indefinite, unlike asianbunnyx’s channel.

However, unless Asian Bunny reveals the length of the ban, it is not possible to know for sure. Twitch does not respond to request for comments regarding community guidelines violations, to protect the privacy of users.