Star Wars surprises couple with ultimate wedding gift after Lego video goes viral

TikTok Star Wars Lego setTikTok: TaylorHose/Star Wars

A bride & groom-to-be went viral on TikTok for putting a $700 Star Wars Lego set on their wedding registry, leading to Star Wars responding with the ultimate gift for the couple.

On April 19, 2024, TikToker TaylorHose revealed that he and his bride-to-be were putting things on the registry for their upcoming wedding when they mutually agreed to put a $700 Lego Star Wars set on the list.

The couple wasn’t expecting anyone to purchase it but were left shocked after one of their family members or friends purchased the high-dollar Lego set.

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Taylor’s video quickly went viral, amassing over 2.3M views and almost 2,000 comments on the clip in the days since.

The official Star Wars TikTok account responded to the viral video on April 24, 2024, revealing that they had a gift for the soon-to-be-married couple. Taylor uploaded a video response to the comment and revealed the gift.

“Star Wars just took it up a level. They gave us a wedding gift that’s so insane that I still can’t wrap my head around it… I’m still kind of speechless,” they said. “They offered us a trip to Los Angeles to attend the premiere of The Acolyte, the newest Star Wars TV show coming to Disney+.

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“Never in my life would I have expected a gift like that. There’s no words.”

Star Wars The Acolyte will premiere on June 4, 2024, and takes place over a century before the events of The Phantom Menace.